kiss and the melbourne symphoney orchestra together at last for the first and last time..one monumental night..one hell of a show,now lets get down to the review at hand.
First off act 1 was standard kiss ..with a small twist..tommy thayer plays rings around ace..and can play alot like bruce...so musicly you get the best of both worlds
the bad part about the first act is there really is nothing new here.
act 2 now this is better there is some new twists yet again that every fan can get into. highlights in this act include a version of beth that i beleave is by far the best yet .it beats the karaoke version peters been doing for years.totaly live.
forever..although it was slowed down for the performance it sounded better then ever..even the unplugged version pales in comparrison
act 3
now here is the perfect blend of kiss and the orchestra..very impressive and very energetic. highlights include in my book,god of thunder , shout it out loud, and rock and roll allnight(although i my self am tired of this song..this is the best version yet..but lets prey for no more r n r alnite versions) the only track that didnt fit in in my opinion was great expectations..although it sounded good it didnt fit the vibe of the album to me..it was kind of an oddball track to use....now i know ive been ranting about tommy in aces makeup. mr unholly and I still have issues with it but they have been quited greatly by hearing him play. we griped about the costumes because they were similar to the alive era costumes..we still want new costumes but hey..as long as kiss keeps up with great shows and great albums who cares right?
now all we need is a new kiss studio album with tommy thayer..i beleave it would rock like no other kiss album in recent years(psycho cricus and the countless compilations that followed yes the box set is included in that as well).now only one question remains..what will become of past album history dose polygram/universal retain those rights?or will sanctuary records get back catalouge publishing rights?...food for thought...
